Modify a Report in Excel

Because much of the information about students is confidential, delete any information that is not needed by leaders or teachers with whom you are sharing reports. Only include information about students who are the responsibility of the person you are giving the report to.

  1. Depending on the export options, your report may or may not have headings in the list. To re-sort the list, click the column header that you want to sort on.

  1. At the top right of the Excel file, click Sort & Filter, and select Custom Sort.

  1. A pop-up window titled Sort Warning will appear. Keep the option Expand the selection. This will keep all of your data together when you re-sort this column. Click Sort.

  1. After you click Sort, a new window will open. This Sort window allows you to sort by levels. For example, you could sort first by school or ward and then by age. Click Add Level if you want to add another level to your sort.

  1. If the data has headers, click My data has headers. This will sort the rows with data and not the headers. Then click OK.

  1. To delete columns or rows, click and drag to highlight the columns or rows you want to delete.


  1. Right-click what you have highlighted, and select Delete. If columns are deleted, any columns to the right will move left. If rows are deleted, any rows below will move up.

  1. At the top of the Excel file, click Page Layout.

  1. You can set different print options. To print the heading labels on each page, go to Sheet Options under Headings, and click the Print check box. This will print the heading labels on each page.
  1. Click the small button to the right of Sheet Options.

  1. The Page Setup window will open. On the Page tab, you can set the page orientation and paper size.

  1. On the Margins tab, you can set the printing margins.

  1. On the Header/Footer tab, you can add a title for your report in the header and a date or page number in the footer.

  1. When you are done setting print options, click Print Preview at the bottom of the Page Setup window.

  1. If you are satisfied with the report, click Print. If not, return and adjust your settings.

  1. When you are finished preparing your report, you can print it or export it as a PDF to email to someone.


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